What is SPS?
Here at Street Poets Society we are embracing the softness of our weathered hearts & displaying the different sides of being human in this beautiful world of ours through Art. Our poetry, our graffiti, our art will show you if you stop and look around that "Love" is the most important word in the world. Love each other out loud.
I love what y'all are doing, how do I get involved?
Join our mailing list to hear about different events we have coming up or art opportunities! Send your stickers into our sticker trade! Buy some of our art, so we can keep making it! Let us host an event in your gallery space! If you have other ideas for how you want to get involved, email us!
I hate what y'all are doing, go away.
Well, we're not going anywhere, but we support your ability to make the art you wanna see in the world if you're not pickin' up what we're puttin' down.